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2015年12月4日 星期五



黃帝穎律師臉書頁面 2015.12.03


Regulations for military apartments need fixing

Wu Ching-chin 吳景欽

(Wu Ching-chin is an associate professor, chair of Aletheia University’s law department and director of Taiwan Forever Association)

Translated by Paul Cooper

TAIPEI TIMES / Editorials 2015.12.03

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) vice presidential candidate Jennifer Wang (王如玄) has found herself in hot water over her ownership of military apartments. Despite her insistence that everything is above board, the issue has got people’s backs up. Wang’s problem is that suspicions have arisen that something is not quite right, as there are regulations prohibiting the sale of military apartments within five years of their purchase.

To prevent real-estate speculation of military apartment buildings, Article 24, Paragraph 1 of the Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents (國軍老舊眷村改建條例) says: “Other than the legal succession to the residence placement, the purchaser shall not sell, mortgage, give as a gift, or exchange the residence and base within five years upon the registration of the property right.”

So, why are these apartments still the subject of speculation?

This clause lacks the teeth of the now-abolished public housing act, which in item 3, paragraph 1 of article 21 said that “the government or competent authority is to retrieve the house and its land and enforce this provision should the owners violate the provisions of sale, pledge and mortgage, grant or exchange.”

This law’s removal denies authorities a potent weapon.

To avoid breaching the principle of the autonomy of private law, judicial authorities adopted a restricted-interpretation approach; they limited the application of the law to property rights, not to creditors’ rights. Therefore, as long as a person does not transfer the registration of ownership rights within the designated period, those involved can sign contracts to buy or sell and not risk breaking the law.

The problem comes when, during the five-year period in which the property registration cannot be transferred, the party wanting to buy the property has to take on the risk of the seller pulling out of the agreement or of transferring the property rights to another party instead. A prospective buyer would therefore find ways to offset the risk, such as with bonds, the use of public notaries or even seeking collateral, but all of these options are stretching the limits of the law. Even worse, should the Ministry of the Interior be seen to be formally recognizing the legitimacy of this legal loophole, the so-called five-year exclusion period essentially becomes meaningless and the policy, which was implemented to help provide low-cost housing options for veterans, is turned into one big temptation for those willing to take advantage of it.

There are some speculators out there who are not above taking advantage of the situation. They find themselves a gullible military dependent and find a way around the five-year rule. The government cannot turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior.

It is because of these practices that it might be necessary to lengthen the five-year restriction and maybe even consider the viability of prohibiting speculation on such property altogether. Given the snail’s pace at which laws are revised, when judges come to deal with these disputes, they should start from Article 1 of the Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents, that is, take the military dependents’ property rights as the starting point and deny the buying or selling of residences in any shape or form of military apartments within the five-year period based on Article 72 of the Civil Code (民法), which says: “A juridical act which is against public policy or morals is void.”

If the judiciary continues to stick dogmatically to the literal meaning of the law, it will be helping people trying to get around the law and there will continue to be people who have devoted their lives to the service of their country crying themselves to sleep at night.

2015年12月3日 星期四

陳肇敏逍遙法外 國賠全民買單


自由時報/自由評論網 2015.12.02







民報/專欄 2015.12.02



在採法官專職審判的國家,如我國,對於心證的形成乃委由法官自由判斷,故如頂新案,由於合議庭採取極為嚴格的證據採擇與認定標準,是否在採陪審制下,就會稍微鬆動?首先必須考量的是,陪審員在審判前,尤其是類如頂新這類的案件裡,是否已經存有先入為主的觀念。也因此,在採人民參與審判制度的國家,為了防止有偏見的陪審員進入審判,就有所謂voir dire程序。

Voir dire乃法文,voir是看、dire是說的意思,指的是經傳喚法院的潛在陪審員,必須接受當事人的詢問以來為保留或剔除,最終選出十二位陪審員,藉由如此的程序,似乎可保證陪審團的公正性。只是由於當事人都擁有大約四名無庸附理由的剔除權,則在自私本能的驅使下,所組成陪審團的公正性,就必然會有疑問。況且類如頂新案,被告律師自然會儘量探知這些潛在陪審員的內在傾向,若受偏見已深且傾向於有罪推定,自然成為優先剔除的對象,也符合公平審判的要求,但這些剔除的對象,卻可能是檢察官所最需要的。也因此,認為陪審員就會傾向寬鬆的證據裁判原則,恐也只是種猜測。



最後,是有關陪審團的評議,原則上不採多數決而是一致決,即必須無異議為有罪或無罪的評決,若有一人不同意,就會形成所謂hung jury或稱deadlocked jury ,法官就得解散陪審團,雖可再行起訴,但若無新事證,檢方亦不會重行起訴,致與無罪無太大差異。故如頂新案,只要一開始,已儘量挑選強調正當程序的陪審員,再加以檢方的舉證薄弱,即便一致判無罪的機率不高,但形成所謂hung jury的可能性卻相對提昇。


2015年11月25日 星期三



 時間:11/15 09:15-11:45

 主持人:陳耀祥 / 臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系助理教授、永社副理事長

 與談人:吳景欽 / 真理大學法律學系副教授兼系主任
     陳美伶 / 臺南市政府秘書長
     黃帝穎 / 律師
     羅承宗 / 南臺科大財經法律研究所副教授










